Fan Balancing Co.

"We Serve All Ontario"

Fan Balancing Co. a division of VibeLube Inc., specializes in On-Site Dynamic Balancing of 
Industrial & Commercial Fans comprising (but not limited to) :

To Whom We Serve:

Industrial Plants: 

Manufacturing, Mining, Oil & Gas, Pulp & Paper, Food, Chemical, …….. 

Commercial & Public Facilities:

Hospitals, Government Buildings, Office Buildings, Colleges & Universities, Malls & Shopping Centers, Warehouses & Logistic Facilities

Know the Balancing Technician

roy  “Roy” is  an expert in vibration analysis, troubleshooting and balancing of rotating equipment with over 35 years of work experience in Machinery Maintenance, Reliability and Condition Monitoring. Roy is a Mechanical Engineering Technologist holding CAT. III Vibration Analysis Certification from Vibration Institute. and CMVA.

No matter what type your rotating equipment is, Roy is capable of detecting, analyzing and correcting their high noise & vibrations for any root cause such as unbalance, resonance, looseness, bent shaft, etc. This means unacceptable high vibrations of equipment will be eliminated or reduced to acceptable low levels. If you want to avoid catastrophic failures and high cost of repairs of your critical rotating equipment, “Fan Balancing Co.” is the smart choice.

Mass imbalance is the most common cause of high vibrations in the fans and other rotating equipment. Imbalance is a condition where the center of mass is not coincident with the center of rotation, i.e. non-uniform mass distribution about the center of rotation. The heavy spot pulls the fan and shaft around with it causing a deflection that is felt at the bearings. The task for the balancer is to find the amount and location of the heavy spot and apply an equal and opposite weight (180*) to compensate.

New manufactured fans are factory balanced within acceptable levels, however the level of imbalance can change (worsen) due to many reasons like :

  • Shipment and installation induced imbalance
  • Repair of fan blades (welding of broken or cracked blades)
  • Accumulation of dust and other deposits from process flow on fan blades
  • Maintenance actions, like changing bearings, or cleaning
  • Erosion, corrosion and wear of fan blades
  • Attempt of balancing the fan by unqualified person

There are two methods of balancing of rotors and wheels, Static & Dynamic Balancing.

In Static balancing, fan wheel is stationary (not powered) but is free to rotate. With a slight rotation of the fan manually, it stops while heavy spot tends to stay at the bottom because of gravity force. By adding trial weight to upper part or opposite side of the fan wheel and repeating the test, the fan can get balanced partially. Static balancing is not accurate and precise for medium to high speed fans and must always be followed by Dynamic Balancing.

Dynamic Balancing is the balancing of a fan under rotational speed when all dynamic forces persist. The fan wheel, which is mounted on shaft and bearings, will be driven by a motor (direct or indirect) usually below or at fan nominal speed. A vibration instrument with sensors attached to bearings are used for achieving precise balancing.

There are two methods for dynamic balancing :
  1. Shop Balancing: Fan wheel and shaft must be dis-assembled to be sent to a shop which has a balancing machine. On balancing machine, fan wheel /shaft runs in the speed of 200 – 800 rpm, depending on its size and weight. This speed is always less than operating speed, since the shaft lays on support rollers, not original bearings.
  2. On-Site Balancing: is performed without removing the fan from the operation. The fan wheel gets balanced at its nominal running speed. A vibration data collector/analyzer equipped with balancing software is being used for the balancing job. More precise balance grade is achievable in this method.

Below table provides information for a medium size fan (D 50”-70”) :

Shop BalancingOn-Site Balancing
Down Time1-4 Days1-4 Hours
Service CostOver $10,000Under $1000
Operational LossVery HighVery Low
Other Service ProvidersFan Balancing Co.
Technician CertificationLevel I or IILevel III
Technician BackgroundHigh School Diploma University Degree
Technician Experience2 years12 years
Instrument (Portable Analyzer)1-2 channelsAdvanced 4 channels
Sensor typeSingle AxisTri-Axial
Balancing Planes1-22-4
Completion Time4-8 hrs.1-2 hrs.
Success Rate50-70%100%

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